All you ever hear is ‘Pornography does 12 Billion a year‘ It may do that, but the studio owners in porn valley probably only make about 5% of that figure.

There are no more Larry Flynts, David Sturman’s or Steve Hirschs anymore. These guys helped to invent the porn market of today. Sort of like what Bugsy Segal was to Las Vegas!!!

There are lots of studio guys that claim ‘we ship 10,000 pieces out the door‘, they’re all full of shit!!! Most companies do about 1,000 pieces out the door, and those guys that do 3,000 out the door — ya, but they ship stuff for $4.00.

Today, all the money in porn is in RETAIL. Studios sell their titles for an average of $4.00 overall, the retail stores mark that up upwards of 500%. And there’s SO much porn to choose from today, it’s a buyers market, they can pick and choose, hammer the pricing, etc. The retail STORES are king!!! Oh, and is it any coincidence that Sturman, Hirsch and Flynt all have stores??

Think of it like this…. the cocaine business does as much as porn allegedly does. The coke dealers drive fancy cars, wear nice bling bling, think of the coke dealers as the STORE OWNERS. Then you go down to the fields of Columbia and look at the beaners who pick the leaves and make the coke, do they have Mercedes’ and Rolex’s? Nope, they work for $2.00 a day. Think of them as the STUDIO OWNERS.

The cocaine business is very profitable, but don’t tell that to the guy in the fields picking the leaves. The pornography business is very profitable, but don’t tell that to the typical studio owner of today.

(cocaine analogy for the benefit of Scott Fayner)

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