Arkansas proses bill to require digital id to view porn

Following the Louisana "porn passport" bill that went into effect on January first of this year, Arkansas has proposed a similar bill. The act would also require people to present reasonable age verification through the use of a "digitized identification card," which would use a data file and a state-approved application containing all the data elements on the front and back of a driver's license or ID. The bill would enforce "damages" onto pornographic distributors and hold them accountable if they distribute the material to underage audiences. There are a few problems with this proposed law. #1 It will create a database of grown-ass consenting adults who want to view porn. Who will have access to the database, and even worse, what will they do with that information? #2 While they think the idea of the digital id is great, who will create it? Who will control it? Who will enforce it? Who will pay for it? In the end, adult sites will just end up having to block anyone and every from the state, just as they have done to anyone who lives in Louisana. Grow up, consenting adults should be able to view porn if they so desire. If people want to protect their children from seeing porn on the internet, maybe they should pay attention to what their children are doing on the internet.

It's easy to blame porn companies, but in the end, the buck stops with the parents. A parent's job is to protect their child. A parent's job is to pay attention to what their child is doing. Would you allow a child to play in Central Park in New York City unsupervised? No! Of course not. Then why the fuck would you allow your child unsupervised access to the internet.

  • Shame on the parents for failing their child.
  • And shame on lawmakers for trying to place the blame on others.
If you are such a lazy ass parent that you have to have lawmakers make new laws to protect your children because you are too lazy to do it yourself, well, that says more about you than it does about those dirty pornographers. To read the full draft of Senate Bill 66, please click here.    

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