Something does not smell right

So I’m at the site Kikster today and I notice a post about Dustin Diamond, aka Screech from Saved by the Bell and how he is losing his house again.  You may remember that back in 2006 he did a porno released by Red Light District to try and save his house.  Back then he was behind $250,000 on his payments.  Now supposedly he is behind another $280,000?

“Screech had his first foreclosure scare in 2006 — when he allegedly fell behind $250,000 on his mortgage payments. It all happened again a few months ago in April — except according to Wells Fargo Bank Screech’s debt had ballooned to $290,000. Now, the foreclosure monster is rearing its ugly head yet again — Wells Fargo just filed more foreclosure papers in Wisconsin, claiming Screech is still in default, owing $278,309 since May … and now the bank is tightening the screws for realsies.”

Here is my question, how is it this house is really worth that much?  If he’s lived in it for years, we know he was “behind” $250,000 before, plus another $280,000 now.  That means this house is supposed to be worth more than $530,000.  Do houses in Wisconsin really cost THAT much?  Just looking at the house I see it’s rather cute but not anything worth $530,000.

I went to For Sale By Owner website and found a rather nice house, not to different from the Screech house – both in  Wisconsin.  Only difference is that this house I am going to show you is only worth $360,000 total.

So how in the hell is Screech really having a problem paying his house?  He has some saved by the bell money, he made some money from the celebrity fat camp show, he did an America Pie movie in 2009 and has two movies in post production from 2010, plus apparently he travels doing some sort of comedy bit.  With all of that he still has these problems?  Even so, how the heck did his house balloon to be worth THAT much?  There is just no way this story can be real.  How can you own over half a million dollars on a house clearly not even worth that.  Has this all just been a scam to illicit more work or donations?