Age of Conan Sucks Balls

There is nothing that makes my dick hard more than the thought of a MMO with naked chicks and lots of gore and violence. With news of the release of Age of Conan I couldn’t wait to give it a try simply because the graphics look hot and the half naked chicks are even hotter. FINALLY AN ON LINE GAME FOR ADULTS ONLY. Don’t get me wrong, I love playing World of Warcraft but sometimes the fucking kids that play just annoy the piss out of me. So anyway, I made a trip to my local Gamestop, plopped down my $60 for a copy of hte game and ran home to give it a try.

Age of Conan

This is where my long list of bitches about this game starts. This game only included two discs yet I spent more than an hour trying to install it and then another 6 hours trying to patch the updates on the day the game was released.

Now 7 hours into my installation I finally get to see the start screen. The intro movie was very high quality. They paid special attention to make it graphic and violent. That’s great for me but I couldn’t help but think they went out of their way to make it unappealing to females. They almost tried to hard.

Next I got to the character creation process. I found the overall system to be quite in depth but very complicated. Your average user would no doubt find the process tedious and complex.

Once I finally created my character I was taken to a tutorial type island. This is where I should be eased into the mechanics of the game and the layout of the interface. It should be a how to play this game for dummies kind of thing. Instead it was completely a waste of time with almost no real NPC help at all.

The interface was clunky and hard to use. Even walking was a struggle. If you can’t fucking walk in a game, then you fucking failed in making your game. Throw in the half ass tutorial and I was really getting pissed that I just threw away $60 on the game and 7 hours on the fucking installation.

Because I had already invested so much in the game I decided to push on. Surely things would get better. I made it from level 1 to 4 in about 15 minutes. The fighting system isn’t initiative, but if you’ve ever played a game like World of Warcraft you can pick it up easy enough. That is, unless you have to try and turn from left to right. That aside, I pushed forward. I was able to complete one quest. Once I hit level 4, and found my way to the city from the quest, I was able to get one more level without any further instruction or informative quest text.

Throw in the 19 deaths and I just said fuck it. I didn’t see one god damn boob.

Actually in all fairness, I would have given the game more of a try but around level 5 I began to run into other players. These are some of the things that were said …..





So it was then I realized the rating “M” for mature didn’t actually mean mature and there were more annoying 15 year old little boys looking for some fake game tits than I cared to deal with so I exited the game and promptly uninstalled the piece of shit from my computer.