Hanukkah, the eight day festival of lights is primarily practiced at home. Traditionally, families gather together and light the Menorah, they sing songs, play dreidel, receive gifts and eat latkes, sufganiot (AKA potato pancakes and jelly donuts, respectively) and other foods which are fried in tons of oil (’tis the season, am I right?). Redtube partnered up with our friends at Maxim to see what traditions users were searching for most during this holiday.
Perhaps a less traditional practice includes individuals cozying up in front of their computer screen- or tablet or mobile phone, during this holy time to search for some of those terms and traditions on Redtube. First up and most searched was “Hanukkah”. In second place not far behind the holiday itself was “Rabbi”, followed closely by “Chanukah”. The list of course includes traditional terms related to the holiday like “Menorah”, “Yiddish”, “Dreidel” and- one that always makes us LOL, “Hanukkah Bush”. Increase in these search terms could be explained by the mere fact that spending 8 days inside your home, eating delicious foods and lighting candles would do that to a person.
The volume of search related Hanukkah terms increased in countries like the USA, Canada, the UK and of course the holy land itself, Israel. Other countries did notice a small change in volume, but the above more so…probably because these countries all have decent-sized Jewish populations.
Let us know what you will be searching for this holiday season in the comments section below.
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