Playboy TV Sucks … Here Comes Vivid TV

Playboy TV is great in concept.  You take the wonderfully fabulous Playboy brand of high quality, beautiful girls they have in their magazine and put them on an erotic TV channel. But that’s not what Playboy TV has turned out to be at all.  Instead they hired the likes of producers like Bill Fisher who make nothing short of trash TV with low quality girls that have nothing whatsoever to do with the Playboy brand.  There is bad girls this, amateur that, Miami this.  What does any of that have to do with Playboy?

Nothing and yet Playboy was surprised their ratings were so extremely low for the struggling network.  Now they’ve given control of Playboy TV over to Manwin and of course all Playboy TV is now is an exploitation of Manwin owned properties.  Again still not a damn thing to do with Playboy the brand.  Stupid stupid stupid.  I’m not saying there isn’t a market for low quality programming but that isn’t what the Playboy brand is known for.  So why would you go against your brand and then be surprised that it’s failing? DUH!

But something interesting did happen today … Vivid Entertainment announced they’ve secured a deal with several major cable distributors to offer consumers Vivid TV and well this is kind of good news.  See Vivid at least knows the value of their brand and you can expect to see quality VIVID programming or Vivid related programming on VIVID TV.  It seems they will offer both the monthly subscription model like HBO does (pay a monthly fee for everything) and then there will be the pay per view option as well.

To run their new Vivid TV product they’ve brought in some fancy pants exec from New Frontier Media.  I really have a good feeling about Vivid TV.  I think it has a lot of potential and I for one can’t wait to check it out!



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