Donny Long is Back

One of the most hated men in porn, Donny Long who you may remember from this lovely website, has recently surfaced and from what I am being told is working on another adult related website.

I know nothing about what the website contains or any other specific details but maybe his good buddy Monica Foster, who was one of the largest contributors to his last website will be helping him sling mud yet again at the performers in the adult industry.  Former porn star and resident nut job, Monica Foster you may remember initially denied having anything to do with Donny Long’s last website dedicated to bullying and harming those in the industry and claimed she too was a victim and even tried to take credit for getting the site down, however logs later released about the site would reveal she was one of the biggest contributes to the site.  Despite her best efforts to deny her contributions to Donny Long’s website the sites server logs told a very different story.

Hey with friends like this in the industry, who needs enemies, right?

So be warned my friends, Donny Long is back.  We don’t know specifically what he’s up to but he is in the process of making another adult site so consider yourself warned.


3 thoughts on “Donny Long is Back

  1. really??? you all know this the Fostard,,shes been talking about it for months…Shes the second coming of Donny…

    WHOIS says its foster…

  2. The top contributors to his previous website were …
    1,worstnightmare,2011-04-06,,Administrator Hammer,
    6,Charles Manson,2010-10-22,,Senior Member,
    11,News Guru,2011-04-06,,Administrator Hammer,
    13,Markus D,2011-01-15,,Senior Member,
    108,The Real Donny Long,2010-12-08,,Senior Member,
    153,Silver_Slugger,2010-12-28,,***Wiki God***,
    155,Leecock_Foster,2010-12-28,,Senior Member,
    315,King Of Movie,2011-01-12,,Senior Member,
    320,Porn Wiki Leaks,2011-04-06,,Administrator Hammer,
    324,Hector the Ho Protector,2011-01-21,,Member,
    358,guata,2011-02-11,,Senior Member,
    371,ivan_is_on_azt,2011-02-12,,Senior Member,
    390,prosoftno1,2011-02-19,,Senior Member,
    402,ROBOCOP,2011-02-22,,***Wiki God***,
    442,golge620,2011-03-08,,Senior Member,
    456,pussypussy,2011-03-15,,Senior Member,
    468,byfaster,2011-03-19,,Senior Member,
    477,asusasus,2011-03-21,,Senior Member,
    500,GIGOLO CODE,2011-03-29,,Member,
    723,rongtrangkuxanh,2011-04-04,,Senior Member,

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