The wonders of the cyberworld

I was reading a bit of my mail today and got some interesting letters. Turns out I can recapture a bit of my youth for the low price of $39.95. I can Improved sex drive and performance for only $4.95. Turns out I can save 90% savings on generic meds if I buy them online and did you know that a top team of British scientists and medical doctors have worked to develop the state-of-the-art Penis Enlargement Patch which automatically increase the size of my wang 3 – 4 inches?

Most people call such messages spam. We get them every day and by now we have all gotten them so often, we know what it is when we see it. But turns out some people out there would have you believe that if I don’t read them they aren’t spam.

Well don’t exactly understand how by not reading them changes what they are, but whatever. To those people I say a picture is worth a 1,000 words and they can click here to see this picture I speak of.  That is what I call “ridiculous“.

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