Would you fuck this man???!!! DCypher posts: It’s almost ridiculous. According to Contact News JOAQUIN PHOENIX has considered making pornographic movies based on his own films. He certainly looks creepy enough to be a male porn star. Jeez!

The Oscar-nominated actor already has some perfect porn titles ready to use if his idea ever comes to fruition.

He says, “For some time, I was hoping to do porn versions of movies I’ve been in. That could have been good, like ‘Glad He Ate Her’ for Gladiator. 8MM you might want to remake as 8 Inches. “I have a friend who can rattle off porn titles for every movie I’ve been in. It’s f**king genius.”

No word on what he thinks about the upcoming comedy WALK HARD though, which spoofs his WALK THE LINE Cash biopic and doesn’t need any tweaking to be used as a porn title.

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