Fayner Posts: Bandit has always been the cool dog. At the beach, at the park, anywhere…the dude just oozes coolness. There is nothing another dog can do that Bandit can’t do and make it much cooler.

Until now.

You see, young Smokie has found something she does ten times better than Old Bandito: swimming in the pool.

But Bandit has an ego, and therefore does his best to regain the top spot in our hearts. But it ain’t happening. He even found himself practically drowning a few times in an effort to outshine his little sister. We had to save him.

So, last night at dinner, Bandit seemed a bit out of it. Glazed eyes, distant and still. Very un-Bandit, if you ask me. I just assumed he was butt-hurt over being humiliated in the pool by Smokie. I thought wrong.

TR and Keith found out why a few hours later, when TR was heading upstairs to sleep. Bandit had vomited over a gallon of liquid/undigested food onto the top stair. It flooded down the stairs. She screamed.

“Keith, come and clean this up!”

Keith tells me it was so bad, his arms were soaked from the slothy foam.

Then he did it again in their bedroom all over TR’s jewelry case, another gallon or so creeping into corners and hard-to-reach spots.

Then it stopped.

But the nightmares continue.

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