Fayner Posts: This comes from Staci and Dez ’cause I don’t even know the damn chick. Why would I wish someone I don’t even know a happy birthday? That’s like stealing a farmer’s only cow and then feeding it to him with ketchup. Well, now, that makes no sense at all but seemed to take up a line or two in this post so it has to stay.

[the paragraph that was once here is now gone due to sadness caused by something I wrote. Sorry darling. You now owe me a handjob]

Delilah is having a birthday party on Saturday. My little cousin is coming out to LA for a visit while on break from Dental school (a Jewish dentist?) so I begged and pleaded with Dez and Staci to let me and my cousin tag along. Sweet.

Anyway, happy birthday to whoever you are. I’m sure we’ll meet at the deli tray on Saturday.

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