XBIZ Announces Seminar Lineup for Hollywood Conference


LOS ANGELES – With the countdown underway for the XBIZ Hollywood ’07 Industry Conference, XBIZ Publisher Tom Hymes released the seminar and workshop schedule for the show, including information on master classes and daily keynote addresses.

Aiming to deliver an industry event that is far more exclusive and intensive than any other to date, The XBIZ Hollywood Conference has put together a mixture of topics and issues that directly impact adult webmasters and offline professionals alike.

The lineup, which is broken down into Track 1 and 2, begins at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, February 7 and ends at 3 p.m. the following day. Topics include Adapt or Die: Exploiting the New Distribution Models; Viral Marketing: The Mother’s Milk of Success; a Master Class: Professional Video and Photography Production; Effective Affiliate Management and Recruitment; Surviving the Slowdown; and a Master Class: Building a Successful Affiliate Program.

The full seminar schedule can be viewed here.

There will also be a Keynote Address each afternoon at 4 p.m. to round out the day before the evening gets underway with networking events and parties.

The XBIZ Hollywood ’07 Industry Conference takes place Feb. 7-8 at the historic Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood, Calif. Registration is currently open and includes one complimentary admission, per registrant, to the 2007 XBIZ Awards.

The XBIZ Hollywood conference is sponsored by Pussycash, VS Media, DHD Media, HotMovies, Cybersocket, Silvercash, Naughty America, Pridebucks and Private Media.

Premium sponsorship packages are still available. Direct all inquiries to Kristen Kaye at Kristen@xbiz.com.


For interviews, and general inquiries contact Dusty Marie at dusty@xbiz.com   


XBIZ™ is the industry source for breaking news and business information and the number one destination for adult business operators and webmasters. XBIZ offers extensive online services, including breaking industry news, trade articles, up-to-the-minute press releases, event listings, free business services and a comprehensive business directory.

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