Fayner Posts: Jenna Presley was in San Francisco yesterday shooting for Fucking Machines. She was wearing a little white shirt and a sweatshirt when she was walking through the security checkpoint at the airport.

The buzzer kept going off, probably because the sweatshirt had some kind of metal that was making it go off. So the guard told Jenna to remove her sweatshirt and go back through the metal detector.

This time, however, Jenna walked through and no loud buzzer went off.

She did, however, have one of her tits hanging out and didn’t notice it. Someone had to tell her that her boob was showing. I’m not sure, but I would guess she didn’t really care who saw her chest at that point and time. I mean, she probably just wanted to get through the airport without incident like everybody else. I bet thousands of women would flash their boobs to forgo any hassles at the airport.

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