Fayner Posts: So it was me, Keith, TMFR and Kelly Erikson, and they were discussing what to do for dinner.
“Let’s go out for dinner!” Taylor shouted.
“Out?” Kelly asked.
“C’mon! It’s Friday!”
“Ha!” Kelly belted out, “Did you just say it’s Friday?!”
“Yeah,” Taylor replied. “It is.”
“You fool! It’s Wednesday, not Friday!”
We all looked at Kelly, the exact same way you would look at a lost puppy with huge tits, then one by one tried explaining to her that it is in fact Friday, March 24th, 2006.
She wasn’t having any part of it. Not for about another ten minutes, after which she finally admitted that she’s a dumbass.
Watch Kelly try to read really tough books on camera at her web site located right Here