Matthew Borghese – All Headline News Staff Writer
London, England (BANG) – Pink is set to surprise her husband with an X-rated pole-dance when she performs in London.
The singer has reportedly asked that a 12ft pole is installed in her dressing room – because she wants to give hubby Carey Hart a sexy pre-show treat.
The star – who has allegedly been taking lessons for her erotic show – has also flown in four lapdancers from top Los Angeles club, The Body Shop.
An insider told Britain’s Daily Mirror newspaper: “Pink wants a party all of her own before the show for her fans begins.”
“Pink plans to have a lot of fun with the lapdancers both on stage and off. By the end of the night Carey will think all his Christmases have come at once.”
Pink, real name Alecia Moore, recently claimed she would never divorce Hart – because they don’t spend enough time together to argue.
The star, who tied the knot with the with motocross racer in January, is confident the pair will remain together because, unlike other couples who get sick of each other, they are apart a lot which keeps their romance fresh.
She explained: “We’re never together long enough to fight.”