Vanity Writes In:
Guess what?

He then drops his jaw and asks me if I’m “THE” Vaniity he knows about ~ I confirm that I am ~ to which he replies: “Wow, take it as one of the highest compliments ~ you are beautiful…”
He hands me his card and leaves in disbelief…
Who was this husky man? None other than STEVE AUSTIN, the texas rattlesnake, the WWE Wrestler.
I got a call from Vanity today, because she noticed the story posted here on Lukeford.
First off, she was un-nerved that Defiance Films referred to her as a ‘transvestite’ on the box cover of her movie to be released next week TRANTASTIC, then she addresses the ‘sex with stars’ issue.
From Vanity
Look silly ~ I’m gonna get ripped/teased once the other TRANSSEXUAL girls see that synopsis Defiance FIlms made about the movie where they call us transvestites (transvestites are men who like to dress up as women for fun ~ for sexual kicks etc…sort of like “drag queens”), so anyway I’m a pre-op TRANSSEXUAL. And that means that I feel like I was born in the wrong body “per-say” and that something went wrong in my mom’s womb ~ that it happened in utero… most transsexuals feel that way..
But then who am I to asses anything of the sort… hehehe
Actually I rather not talk about any other celebrity right now, but I promise you I will soon and it will be to you at Lukeford only ~ but as a matter of fact I did meet Emilio Esteves at the Grafton on Sunset Blvd. after the Grammy’s ~ but was like 2 Grammy’s ago and we saw each other frequently after that… he told me that he and Charlie Sheen were big fans of mine since they saw a picture of me in San Francisco when they were there doing a movie about the Mitchell brothers…
Anyway I guess you can talk about that…but no more about anyone else…YET
Eddie Murphy had some transsexual girl killed once for talking shit ~ so let’s stay away from Eddie.
I have 2 movies coming out soon. One for Defiance FIlms called Trantastic, where I make love with Roxy Jezel and Deja Daire, two very sweet girls who have a nasty side. That releases on Valentines Day, how romantic!!! And I’m also in a new Joey Silvera movie coming out soon.
I’m also reworking my official website, going to be incredible. Photos, Videos, Live Feeds, Live Chat, Store Items, lots of stuff for my fans.